This book is a series of twelve short skits portraying the events in the life of Joseph, as depicted in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament. This would be a valuable resource for those involved in Christian ministry and religious education. These skits could be used as introductions to a series of sermons or lessons about Joseph, or combined into longer skits, or into a play. Narration included with most of the skits provides a brief summary of the previous skits performed, to aid the audience's understanding, if the skits are performed on separate consecutive days or weeks. Staging...
This book is a series of twelve short skits portraying the events in the life of Joseph, as depicted in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament. This...
Over two thousand years ago, the greatest story of all began. It began with a baby born in a shepherd's cave. This was the most creative miracle that has ever happened in history; God became a human and lived among us. he did not disguise Himself with the form of a man; He became one---for the ultimate purpose of paying the penalty for our sin. When that was accomplished on the Cross, and death was defeated, He went back to His home in Heaven to prepare a place for us. His story is not over, because He wants to include us in it That is the invitation of Christmas still going on. We trust...
Over two thousand years ago, the greatest story of all began. It began with a baby born in a shepherd's cave. This was the most creative miracle that ...