Ghost hunters from a reality television show are called to investigate an abandoned opera house in small town Hillsboro, Ohio. They discover that the town is experiencing a growing number of gruesome murders. The investigators become tangled in the midst of the carnage, only to realize that they are the last thing standing between the town's people and Hell. Will they stop the ultimate demon from destroying the town, or will they make a fatal mistake and unleash Hell?
Ghost hunters from a reality television show are called to investigate an abandoned opera house in small town Hillsboro, Ohio. They discover that the ...
Kings of New Orleans, Episode One. Every King has his Jesters. In New Orleans, the Kings are ambitious men with clashing agendas who seized power after Hurricane Katrina, and the Jesters are their muscle. However, one man has begun to peek behind the curtain and realize what's happening. Detective Jenkins of the New Orleans Police Department is always one step behind the so-called Black Jester, a suspect in the murdering of dozens of shady businessmen in the city. On the run and scared, a young woman named Rose White finds herself caught up with the vigilante - and entangled in a much larger...
Kings of New Orleans, Episode One. Every King has his Jesters. In New Orleans, the Kings are ambitious men with clashing agendas who seized power afte...
The vigilante crime thriller continues as the players in the New Orleans crime network slowly reveal themselves. At the mercy of the French Quarter King's orders, the Black Jester spins out of control as he adheres to a schedule of policing the streets, gaining reconnaissance, and inflicting mayhem when the need arises. The Blue Jester fears his friend is hallucinating when he claims to see the fleeting image of an Army soldier everywhere he goes. But hallucinations turn out to be actual sightings of a new key player in the mission: The Silver Jester. The Silver Jester is in town for one...
The vigilante crime thriller continues as the players in the New Orleans crime network slowly reveal themselves. At the mercy of the French Quarter Ki...
Rachel Payne's training as a demon hunter begins with a crash course in demonology and hand-to-hand combat. Father James has no choice but to expedite her initiation as the Sonoma County Fall Carnival is beginning. The underground demon hunting network, operated by the church, needs Rachel to help track down a demon that annually possesses humans in order to abduct and murder innocent patrons of the carnival. What Rachel doesn't realize is just how dangerous the work is, and her involvement puts herself and her family at risk. And, Rachel and her sister are reunited with Ansel, an old family...
Rachel Payne's training as a demon hunter begins with a crash course in demonology and hand-to-hand combat. Father James has no choice but to expedite...
"Ten playful penguins shout, "Hip, hip, hooray " Good food, good friends, and lots of fun: Now that's a perfect day." In this sweet rhyming book, touchable plastic penguins disappear as you turn the pages of this zoo adventure Follow and count along as ten curious penguins visit their animal friends. A fun, engaging novelty story just right for young readers.
"Ten playful penguins shout, "Hip, hip, hooray " Good food, good friends, and lots of fun: Now that's a perfect day." In this sweet rhyming bo...