A Note from the Executive Director ________________________________________ "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." How true these words are of Dr. Seuss The book you hold in your hands is a compilation of moments that have become precious memories to so many whose lives have been impacted through the mission education groups, ministries, and mission projects of Alabama Woman's Missionary Union. During the past few months, I have found myself amused as I have spoken with many who have shared their desire to submit a memory; however, they just couldn't...
A Note from the Executive Director ________________________________________ "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a me...
Sammie Jo Barstow Lucretia Jo Mobbs Candace McIntosh
In DECLARING HIS GLORY, we look back on 125 years of Alabama Woman's Missionary Union. Through good times and challenging times, women had as their goal to do missions, pray for missionaries, give to missions, and educate adults and children about missions. The light of this goal has at times burned brightly and at other times has flickered because of adversity and circumstances, but the light has never been extinguished. Women in the twenty-first century reflect on the legacy of our foremothers and resolve anew that we will take the light of the gospel message to the ends of the earth.
In DECLARING HIS GLORY, we look back on 125 years of Alabama Woman's Missionary Union. Through good times and challenging times, women had as their go...