What is Love? Is it next to me? Did I just walk past it? Love, how do I find it? When I do find it, will it last forever? If it does last forever, will I be free to be myself or do I have to stay the person they want me to be? Do I want Love? Is Sex, Love? Is having Sex okay in between finding Love? Lastly, do I like Sex better than Love? These questions are great to have the answers to if you are the kind of Lover that likes to know what you are getting before you open up your present. Or you can be the kind of Lover that wonders but doesn't really want to know because Love to you is more of...
What is Love? Is it next to me? Did I just walk past it? Love, how do I find it? When I do find it, will it last forever? If it does last forever, wil...
Do You Remember Rock And Roll. Hello and Warning. The Warning is that this book will take you back in time. (Do You Remember Rock And Roll) You will remember all the highs and lows of your past and what was going on with Mother Earth. Then when you are nice and relaxed in the past, this book will bring you back Rock Hard to the present. (Do You Remember Rock And Roll) You now will look around and feel inside you that there's a strange Deja-Vu going through your Mind Rockin' Minds. (Do You Remember Rock And Roll) As confusion strays away from you, you will begin to realize that the strange...
Do You Remember Rock And Roll. Hello and Warning. The Warning is that this book will take you back in time. (Do You Remember Rock And Roll) You will r...
Lovers - Aliens - Monsters & Killers Are After Me They Want Their-Secrets And Stories-Back I-Siphoned Away - While They Were-Sleeping Mind Rockin' - I'm Different I'm A Siphon - Siphoning Out Things - That Dreamers - Never Want The Rest - Of The World To Know About The Vegetarian And The Slaughterhouse. This story is about Stan (The Main Vegetarian Man) Floyd who is willed a slaughterhouse by a now deceased Mr. Wheat of Wheat's Meats that he has fought very hard and long to have closed down. What effect will owning this slaughterhouse have on Stan's mind, body and soul? Be prepared for...
Lovers - Aliens - Monsters & Killers Are After Me They Want Their-Secrets And Stories-Back I-Siphoned Away - While They Were-Sleeping Mind Rockin' - I...
Brand new and final version of Book Eight: The End. When there's nothing left to say, when the breaking of two hearts brings The End of Love, the pain of loss sinks in scarring two souls at once. Seven was removed from the original version and replaced with eight newly added. Including, Untitled Mind Suite (In Five Parts) and The Book Of Death And Life. For I, The Unholy One is no longer a bonus, it is now the last, the End for The End. What follows is 666, 777, 888 and 666.1, which includes For I, The Holy One a six page epic and 666 (A Hell On Earth Opera) a twelve page epic. An Ordinary...
Brand new and final version of Book Eight: The End. When there's nothing left to say, when the breaking of two hearts brings The End of Love, the pain...
Welcome to my third, Sing-Along-To-Love-Book, with four short stories inserted at the beginning, in the middle and at the end. Feel the Love and Lust. Pink Hearts Filled With Love, Brings The End, To Our Loneliness. Pink Hearts Filled With Love, Realigns Two Separate Hearts. Pink Hearts Filled With Love, Proves Love Is The Best Thing On Earth. Love And Sadness, She Thinks I'm A Dirty Cheater. Love And Sadness She Thinks I Don't Love Her. Love And Sadness, I Can't Tell Her I'm Dying. Love And Sadness, I Want Her To Be Free. Love And Sadness, Life Is Not Fair. Baby I've Heard, Baby I've Heard,...
Welcome to my third, Sing-Along-To-Love-Book, with four short stories inserted at the beginning, in the middle and at the end. Feel the Love and Lust....
Mind Rockers, How has your Love been? Is your Love still a Big Time Love making you feel Love High? Has Love still been missing from your heart? Do you still Love Love Songs? Do you still Love Sad songs? Do you still Love Sexy Songs? How about those Sexy Songs about Sex with no Love? If you have missed all of these types of Songs or just some of them... Well here is your second chance to do a double take on all the above types of Songs, as I present to you the second edition of my Sing-Along-To Love book. All new and different songs but with the same feel as the first time around. If you...
Mind Rockers, How has your Love been? Is your Love still a Big Time Love making you feel Love High? Has Love still been missing from your heart? Do yo...
This Book is my Hug. My Shaking of Hands. My Pat on the Back. My Middle Finger to this Beautiful and Beeped Up World. I Laugh. It's Useless. I'm Alone, While I Watch The Pig People Eating Dog Apple Pie, That They Should Spit Back Into The Faces Of The Dogs For The People Are Not Pigs, No Matter What The Man Thinks. Dog Day Apple Pie, Chomp-Chomp-Chomp, Burning Inferno Of Cities, Blazing Out Of Control. Dog Day Apple Pie, Chomp-Chomp-Chomp, Hot Killing In The Streets. It's Everybody VS Everybody. Dog Day Apple Pie Chomp-Chomp- Chomp, Eat It All Up. The Pig People Are Back, Worshiping Greed And...
This Book is my Hug. My Shaking of Hands. My Pat on the Back. My Middle Finger to this Beautiful and Beeped Up World. I Laugh. It's Useless. I'm Alone...