During the turbulent era of the late 1930's and 1940's the states of Eastern Europe and the Balkans were constantly involved in a struggle to maintain their territory and independence. Situated between Germany and Russia, these countries became the battleground of their larger neighbors. One of the most important of the Balkan nations was Romania. Strategically located along the Black Sea and the south-western border of the Soviet Union, as well as controlling the mouth of the Danube River, Romania had helped to block the Russians from extending their control to the Straits and the...
During the turbulent era of the late 1930's and 1940's the states of Eastern Europe and the Balkans were constantly involved in a struggle to maintain...
"Poeta si prozatoare de succes, doamna Rodica Elena Lupu se prezinta cititorilor ca o creatoare de inspiratie contemporana, tratand - cu har si indrazneala - o serie de teme interesante, dand o atentie aparte iubirii si aspectelor psihologice ale acesteia. Romanele sale abordeaza relatii mai deosebite dintre cupluri si grupuri umane, tratandu-le cu buna pricepere, reusindu-i profunde analize psiho-sociale, cu care isi capteaza cititorii. Aici s-ar aseza romanele: "Puterea destinului," "Jocul de-a viata," Clipe in doi," Iubire, tu," Dincolo de timp" Glasul inimii" - un fel de saga romaneasca -...
"Poeta si prozatoare de succes, doamna Rodica Elena Lupu se prezinta cititorilor ca o creatoare de inspiratie contemporana, tratand - cu har si indraz...