It's an acknowledged fact that Communist Occupied Russia is terribly inept when it comes to advances in science and technology. The backward Soviets couldn't possibly have become a major military power without the help of the United States. No one really believes that a dictatorship incapable of even manufacturing a common light bulb could possibly create and build its own sophisticated missiles and high-tech weaponry No one really believes that a dictatorship even incapable of producing an automobile could possibly create and build its own tanks, assault helicopters, and jet aircraft ...
It's an acknowledged fact that Communist Occupied Russia is terribly inept when it comes to advances in science and technology. The backward Soviets c...
Six multinational grain dealers control all grain leaving the United States -- Cargill, Andre, Bunge, Cook and Dreyfus. Ninety percent of Continental Grain of New York was owned by one of the world's wealthiest families -- the Fribourgs. When Jules ran the company back in the 1930s he handled millions of tons of grain sales for the murderous Stalin regime. The entire Russian grain crop had been confiscated from the peasant farmers under a diabolical plan of mass starvation devised and executed by a Neanderthal monster known as Nikita Khrushchev. The infamous famine was deliberately created...
Six multinational grain dealers control all grain leaving the United States -- Cargill, Andre, Bunge, Cook and Dreyfus. Ninety percent of Continental ...
The dangers of doing business with Red dictatorships are obvious. These criminal regimes were shipped anything and everything they wanted. Complete turnkey factories had gone to Russia. Nuclear power plants to Communist Occupied Yugoslavia. Automated steel mills to Red China. Such activity is clearly in the realm of treason Nevertheless, an unbelievable array of greedy American businesses choose to illegally aid and abet the various Red slave states. American companies sell Communist Occupied Russia and other satellite slave dictatorships machinery, complete factories and other equipment....
The dangers of doing business with Red dictatorships are obvious. These criminal regimes were shipped anything and everything they wanted. Complete tu...