The audience for this dictionary includes medical professionals working in multilingual environments; global health professionals in tourist areas; professionals in public health, humanitarian medicine, emergency disaster management, rescue teams and above all, frequent travellers disposed to any kind of danger or health risk and therefore in the need of medical assistance while in some foreign speaking country. In emergency situations even small misunderstandings can lead to the loss of valuable time and consequently lives, therefore this dictionary is created in very practical time-saving...
The audience for this dictionary includes medical professionals working in multilingual environments; global health professionals in tourist areas; pr...
Este diccionario medico espanol-italiano y italiano-espanol proporciona de forma breve, clara y suficiente unos 3000 terminos medicos que cubren orientacion en el tiempo y espacio; accidentes y catastrofes; partes del cuerpo humano; sintomas, heridas y enfermedades; farmacia; facilidades medicas, procedimientos y asistencia medica; examenes medicos; embarazo y obstetricia. Questo dizionario spagnolo-italiano ed italiano-spagnolo contiene piu di 3000 termini medici ed e stato concepito come un manuale compatto di facile comprensione di terminologia medica dall'orientamento nel tempo e spazio;...
Este diccionario medico espanol-italiano y italiano-espanol proporciona de forma breve, clara y suficiente unos 3000 terminos medicos que cubren orien...
Ovaj hrvatsko-francuski rjecnik sastoji se od preko 3000 medicinskih pojmova prikazanih na jednostavan i razumljiv nacin koji obuhvaca orijentaciju u prostoru i vremenu; nesrece, katastrofe i pogibeljne situacije; dijelove ljudskog tijela; ozljede, simptome i bolesti; ljekarnistvo; medicinske ustanove, njegu i postupke; dijagnostiku te trudnocu i porodnistvo.
Ovaj hrvatsko-francuski rjecnik sastoji se od preko 3000 medicinskih pojmova prikazanih na jednostavan i razumljiv nacin koji obuhvaca orijentaciju u ...
The audience for this dictionary includes medical professionals working in multilingual environments; global health professionals in tourist areas; professionals in public health, humanitarian medicine, emergency disaster management, rescue teams and above all, frequent travellers disposed to any kind of danger or health risk and therefore in the need of medical assistance while in some foreign speaking country. In emergency situations even small misunderstandings can lead to the loss of valuable time and consequently lives, therefore this English-Italian and Italian-English dictionary is...
The audience for this dictionary includes medical professionals working in multilingual environments; global health professionals in tourist areas; pr...
The audience for this dictionary includes medical professionals working in multilingual environments; global health professionals in tourist areas; professionals in public health, humanitarian medicine, emergency disaster management, rescue teams and above all, frequent travellers disposed to any kind of danger or health risk and therefore in the need of medical assistance while in some foreign speaking country. In emergency situations even small misunderstandings can lead to the loss of valuable time and consequently lives, therefore this English-Croatian dictionary is created in very...
The audience for this dictionary includes medical professionals working in multilingual environments; global health professionals in tourist areas; pr...
The audience for this dictionary includes medical professionals working in multilingual environments; global health professionals in tourist areas; professionals in public health, humanitarian medicine, emergency disaster management, rescue teams and above all, frequent travellers disposed to any kind of danger or health risk and therefore in the need of medical assistance while in some foreign speaking country. In emergency situations even small misunderstandings can lead to the loss of valuable time and consequently lives, therefore this English-Spanish dictionary is created in very...
The audience for this dictionary includes medical professionals working in multilingual environments; global health professionals in tourist areas; pr...
Ovaj hrvatsko-spanjolski rjecnik sadrzi preko 3000 medicinskih pojmova prikazanih na jednostavan i razumljiv nacin koji obuhvaca orijentaciju u prostoru i vremenu; nesrece, katastrofe i pogibeljne situacije; dijelove ljudskog tijela; ozljede, simptome i bolesti; ljekarnistvo; medicinske ustanove, njegu i postupke; dijagnostiku, te trudnocu i porodnistvo. Este diccionario medico croata-espanol proporciona de forma breve, clara y suficiente unos 3000 terminos medicos que cubren orientacion en el tiempo y espacio; accidentes y catastrofes; partes del cuerpo humano; sintomas, heridas y...
Ovaj hrvatsko-spanjolski rjecnik sadrzi preko 3000 medicinskih pojmova prikazanih na jednostavan i razumljiv nacin koji obuhvaca orijentaciju u prosto...
Este diccionario medico espanol-croata y croata-espanol proporciona de forma breve, clara y suficiente unos 3000 terminos medicos que cubren orientacion en el tiempo y espacio; accidentes y catastrofes; partes del cuerpo humano; sintomas, heridas y enfermedades; farmacia; facilidades medicas, procedimientos y asistencia medica; examenes medicos; embarazo y obstetricia. Ovaj spanjolsko-hrvatski i hrvatsko-spanjolski rjecnik sadr i preko 3000 medicinskih pojmova prikazanih na jednostavan i razumljiv nacin koji obuhvaca orijentaciju u prostoru i vremenu; nesrece, katastrofe i pogibeljne...
Este diccionario medico espanol-croata y croata-espanol proporciona de forma breve, clara y suficiente unos 3000 terminos medicos que cubren orientaci...