Nathan and Josslyn Bryant, along with their two teenage children, are a deaf family who experience paranormal activity in their new home. Desperate and fearful for their lives after a series of horrific incidents, they turn to neighbors, a psychic medium, and a paranormal research institute for help. Will any of them be able to help the frightened family defeat the unseen--and unheard--evil?
Nathan and Josslyn Bryant, along with their two teenage children, are a deaf family who experience paranormal activity in their new home. Desperate an...
An irreverent dark-humored, tongue-in-cheek soap-opera style family satire about two sisters fighting over an estate. After having been separated for twenty-two years, Vivian wants to reestablish ties with her younger sister, Christine. Instead, she is met with hostility and resistance. Christine wants one thing and one thing only-revenge. No one better stand in Christine's way-or else A battle of wits ensues as they try to stay one step ahead of the other. Overwhelming crises develop, strengths and weaknesses are tested, truths overcome lies and shocking secrets are revealed that could push...
An irreverent dark-humored, tongue-in-cheek soap-opera style family satire about two sisters fighting over an estate. After having been separated for ...