I am a spiritual inspirational writer, and I realized that as a child the subject of one's spirit or spirituality was never openly discussed. I believe that our lives are indeed a spiritual journey of learning and of spiritual awakening. So, I decided to create a children's book, which would explain the subject of spirit to them, and "Sparkly You and Me" was born. "Sparkly You and Me," is a book that should be read together. I know your child will have many questions, and ideas, and I believe that it is an exciting journey that you won't want to miss. "Sparkly You and Me," is told by a young...
I am a spiritual inspirational writer, and I realized that as a child the subject of one's spirit or spirituality was never openly discussed. I believ...
My name is Matilda, but you can call me Matty. Everyone calls me Matty. My Grandmother told me this crazy, outlandish, completely unbelievable story about the Prince and Princess of Stardust, and their quest for muffins. She's been telling me this story ever since I was a little girl. I know that you are really going to enjoy it - it is quite an adventure. Only, be aware that Grandma swears that this is a true story. like I said, it is a story about a Prince and Princess of Stardust and their quest for muffins. I mean of all things - a quest for muffins? I would think that they would have...
My name is Matilda, but you can call me Matty. Everyone calls me Matty. My Grandmother told me this crazy, outlandish, completely unbelievable story a...
Angels are those, magnificent beings of dazzling divine light who fill my life with indescribable joy, hope, and love. They surround me; unseen yet felt. Silent but present. They wait quietly by my side. They wait patiently for a thought, a whisper, a question, an acknowledgement of their presence, even a smile of happiness. I am so very grateful for their Angelic blessings. I have been nudged by my Angel of Spiritual Wisdom to write this book. She is an Angel that is one of the Ancient Ones; her wisdom is the wisdom of the Ages and beyond. I now realize that she has been by my side since I...
Angels are those, magnificent beings of dazzling divine light who fill my life with indescribable joy, hope, and love. They surround me; unseen yet fe...