Action, adventure, romance and intrigue; it all began with a friendship between Jake, a battle worn, middle aged, human, mercenary and a young alien named Arr. From that friendship sprang the foundation of a series that will envelope you in its character driven stories and fast paced, paging turning momentum. The Star Traveler Series is currently a six volume set of Science Fiction novels reminiscent of the old masters, Bradbury, Asimov and Heinlein. With well-defined characters, the books have a strong cinematic feel and they create tremendous atmosphere. A terrific, highly imaginative world...
Action, adventure, romance and intrigue; it all began with a friendship between Jake, a battle worn, middle aged, human, mercenary and a young alien n...
Commander Tait knows the odds are against him, they always have been, but he is driven to return to Home World to find the love he left behind. Will he find her or will it be another who is waiting... waiting to destroy him and silence the secrets he might reveal to an unknowing population? What Commander Tait finds on his return to Home World will astound him and make him question his entire existence. An existence which might end at the hands of his creators.
Commander Tait knows the odds are against him, they always have been, but he is driven to return to Home World to find the love he left behind. Will h...
Captain Targus of M.T. #2424 has found a way to assist his Henu friends in rebuilding the cliff dwellings at Ijul. But, has his innocent actions inadvertently placed a member of the community in danger? Plotting, chaos and murder touch Targus' life in this adventure. How will he deal with these life-altering events and who will show him comfort during his time of need? Not his second in command, Sergeant Coal... Coal is off on his own adventure. He has been summons home to Realda by his lost love, Raceen. There is a hidden mystery on this planet, where everyone looks the same except for their...
Captain Targus of M.T. #2424 has found a way to assist his Henu friends in rebuilding the cliff dwellings at Ijul. But, has his innocent actions inadv...