Jack has never known an ordinary life. The Center, a shadowy organization with its own hidden agenda, has been his home, his school, and his job. Under the command of a man he knows only as his guardian, Jack has trained relentlessly in order to carry out the Center s secret missions. In the three years since he turned thirteen, he s been given more and more complex assignments, rarely questioning the reasons behind each operation. Now, going by the name Jack Carlisle, his orders are to go to Maine and befriend high school track star Leo...
"A Harmony Ink Press Young Adult Title "
Jack has never known an ordinary life. The Center, a shadowy organization with its own hidden agenda, h...
Jack Carlisle has returned to the Center after an assignment designed to push him to the edge of his limits and beyond. He is given just a few short days to get used to a new identity and a new team. He s been trained to assume a new identity, but working with a new team is more difficult, especially since it throws him back in the path of Leo McCormack, the boy who stole Jack s heart and handed it back broken into tiny pieces.
With Jack Carlisle dead and Jack Cross reborn comes a new mission. Jack Cross and...
"A Harmony Ink Press Young Adult Title "
"Sequel to You Don't Know Jack "
Jack Carlisle has returned to the Center after an assignment design...
Jack is about to embark on a new mission. Agent Anna Baxter has tried his patience on previous assignments, and he expects more of the same. On the bright side, he'll also be working with Leo McCormack.
The three agents must go undercover to insinuate themselves into a drug ring led by Gregor Slovik, and to do so, they must gain the trust of Gregor's friend, high schooler Connor White. This creates a dilemma for Jack--Connor is gay, which gives Jack an opening to make a connection with him. But should he exploit it?...
Sequel to If You Knew Jack
Jack is about to embark on a new mission. Agent Anna Baxter has tried his patience on ...
In a mission more twisted than usual, sixteen-year-old agent Jack is assigned to play the role of Jack Elliot. Jack Elliot is the new identity created for Alex Sutherland, a teenager whose father's criminal activities have forced the family into a witness relocation program. Alex's family was supposed to be safe, but two previous relocations have already been compromised, so the Center is brought in to investigate. Is there a leak within the witness relocation program, or has somebody in the Sutherland family inadvertently...
Sequel to Like I Know Jack
In a mission more twisted than usual, sixteen-year-old agent Jack is assigned to play t...