Barely 50 years passed after the 2940 Planetary War, leaving humanity on the brink of extinction. In a desperate attempt to stop another savage war from occurring, the nation governments were forced to unite and form the first Planetary Government to bring everyone in the world together. Peace settled across the planet for a few more decades, bringing about hope and faith for the future. However, a new enemy emerges out of the blue threatening to destroy every living organism on earth. An alien swarm of beasts the likes of which no one had ever encountered. They appeared without warning and...
Barely 50 years passed after the 2940 Planetary War, leaving humanity on the brink of extinction. In a desperate attempt to stop another savage war fr...
After battling Dr. Vegai, two weeks pass, as Den and his battalion prepare to leave Erzat, for Earth, with their newly acquired weapons and information. Having formed a shaky alliance with the Rasians, it seemed as everything will work out for the best, for both groups; however, something unexpected happens. Another enemy emerges, descending onto the alien planet from space, in a large swarm. They are monstrous drones, who attack everything without discrimination, wreaking even greater havoc than the terror beast. As if things couldn't get anymore direr, larger and more evolved terror beasts...
After battling Dr. Vegai, two weeks pass, as Den and his battalion prepare to leave Erzat, for Earth, with their newly acquired weapons and informatio...