Spy novel, theme paranormal phenomena. 'Fairfield' is the code name for a Russian research scientist who migrated to the West following the end of the Cold War. A specialist of neurology and psychic manipulation, he leaves Russia to settle in Australia. The other leading character is an Irish journalist, Finnegan, really a double agent, who has Fairfield abducted in July 1997 during a trip to Chicago for a conference on neurophysiology. Finnegan is on a mission to obtain the research work in parapsychology and psychic manipulation done in Russia by Fairfield during the eighties. To settle the...
Spy novel, theme paranormal phenomena. 'Fairfield' is the code name for a Russian research scientist who migrated to the West following the end of the...
When his wife leaves him for a famous Hollywood actor, a New York lawyer called Lepton Kwaark leaves his job to tour the world interviewing authors of Science Fiction and conspiracy stories. First Lepton goes to Los Angeles to meet a billionaire heiress. Together they go to Alice Springs, Australia, to meet the author of 'The Forest Palms Tales', a critical examination of stories of ET's and UFO's for the sceptical reader. A BALL OF WAX is a fictionalized essay on the Majestic Twelve hoax.
When his wife leaves him for a famous Hollywood actor, a New York lawyer called Lepton Kwaark leaves his job to tour the world interviewing authors of...
From Broome to Hobart, from Cooktown to Perth, the author travels twice around Australia during a sabbatical year. More than 20,000 kilometres by bus, ship, plane and bicycle. This book includes notesbooks and travel descriptions.
From Broome to Hobart, from Cooktown to Perth, the author travels twice around Australia during a sabbatical year. More than 20,000 kilometres by bus,...
Ramornie, a portrait Ramornie is a large Scottish-style manor house built around 1890 in Kew, Melbourne, Victoria. Acquired in 1938 by his maternal grandfather, this is the scene of Anthony Baker's early years. The house was sold in 1952. From then on, events moved quickly for Anthony. A strange thing Jeremy McFarlane has a new paternity case to handle. "The old guy who came into my office handed me a text. Hang onto this manuscript for ten years, he said, and then you can publish it under your own name."
Ramornie, a portrait Ramornie is a large Scottish-style manor house built around 1890 in Kew, Melbourne, Victoria. Acquired in 1938 by his maternal gr...