In more than 70 tales both classic and new, follow along as finally for the first time you have a collection of myths, legends, and fairy tales where the girls get the girls. Rumors of Utopian societies of women where men never go. An adventurous girl climbs a beanstalk to a land of giants and finds love with a mistreated and lonely housewife. Travelers come across a cursed castle and must either save those within or join them. An arranged marriage does not go as planned when a bride learns of her husband's dark secret. A clever girl chosen by fate must first go on a perilous quest to a...
In more than 70 tales both classic and new, follow along as finally for the first time you have a collection of myths, legends, and fairy tales where ...
Emily Knight kissed her friend Karen one evening with disaterous results. Now Karen wants nothing to do with her and has been dragged out of school by her fanatical mother. Emily has been outted, accused of attempted rape, and forced to joint he school's support group for gay teens thrusting her into a subculture she knows almost nothing about. Her other friends despise her for being gay and some are willing to do anything if it means Emily leaves and Karen can come back. Can she pull her life together and maybe find someone who can love her for who and what she is while nursing her shattered...
Emily Knight kissed her friend Karen one evening with disaterous results. Now Karen wants nothing to do with her and has been dragged out of school by...
Prince: Fairy godmother, the princess I was supposed to marry is a lesbian. Can't you fix it so that she falls in love with me? Fairy Godmother: Certainly Abracadabra The Princess formerly known as Prince: This isn't what I had in mind 000 Princess: Any chance we can hook up with Cinderella? Other Princess: Sorry. She only likes guys who have big balls. Princess: What about her stepmother and stepsisters? Other Princess: The last I heard they were suffering from the black plague because someone was keeping pigeons, rats and mice as pets and feeding them from the kitchen. 000 Princess: At...
Prince: Fairy godmother, the princess I was supposed to marry is a lesbian. Can't you fix it so that she falls in love with me? Fairy Godmother: Certa...
From the author of "Lesbian Fairy Tales" comes a new collection of all the stories you have never been able to find anywhere else. 79 myths, legends, and folktales from across the globe where the girl gets the girl. Women winning the hands of beautiful princesses. Witches enchanting girls and spiriting them away. Ghosts coming back for their lovers. Vampires with particular tastes. Fairies who grant girls wishes to be beautiful and fall in love with them. A few ordinary girls on their own quests. And more than a few stories where men who try to force or trick girls into loving them only to...
From the author of "Lesbian Fairy Tales" comes a new collection of all the stories you have never been able to find anywhere else. 79 myths, legends, ...
Fairy tales, nursery rhymes, legends, myths, urban legends, ghost stories, historical tales, folk tales, classics, and newly creates fables are collected here for the first time. More than 175 stories from the books "Lesbian Fairy Tales" and "Lesbian Mythology, Legends, & Folktales," plus all new stories and information on your favorite girl loves girl fables, hundreds of lesbian fairy tale jokes from "Lesbian Princesses & Friends" and "Mother Goosed" right here in one book. Ranging from stories you would be happy to tell your kids to more risque tales that you might want to save for when...
Fairy tales, nursery rhymes, legends, myths, urban legends, ghost stories, historical tales, folk tales, classics, and newly creates fables are collec...
So many of the jokes out there are about lesbians. Now there is a joke book FOR them. Page after page of jokes for girls who love girls that will bring a sideways smile to your face. Blond jokes. Valentines. Puns. Anything that might tickle your fancy. And the best part is not only are they hilarious but they are all clean... unless of course you think sex is dirty.
So many of the jokes out there are about lesbians. Now there is a joke book FOR them. Page after page of jokes for girls who love girls that will brin...