"The Philosophy of Style," explored a growing trend of formalist approaches to writing. Highly focused on the proper placement and ordering of the parts of an English sentence, Spencer] created a guide for effective composition. Spencer's aim was to free prose writing from as much "friction and inertia" as possible, so that the reader would not be slowed by strenuous deliberations concerning the proper context and meaning of a sentence.
"The Philosophy of Style," explored a growing trend of formalist approaches to writing. Highly focused on the proper placement and ordering of the par...
L'homme et la femme ont-ils la meme nature mentale ? Comment sont determines les caracteres masculins et feminins ? D'apres Herbert Spencer, affirmer que les hommes et les femmes ont la meme nature mentale, est aussi fausse que d'affirmer qu'ils ont les memes caracteristiques corporelles. Tout aussi certain qu'ils ont des differences physiques qui sont liees a des roles respectifs qu'ils jouent dans le maintien de la race humaine, ils ont aussi des differences psychiques liees aussi a leurs parts respectives dans l'education et la protection des enfants. Il existe donc des differences entre...
L'homme et la femme ont-ils la meme nature mentale ? Comment sont determines les caracteres masculins et feminins ? D'apres Herbert Spencer, affirmer ...
-From Freedom to Bondage- This book based on the work of Herbert Spencer, is published in the collection "History of Scientific Knowledge" "Speaking broadly, every man works that he may avoid suffering. Here, remembrance of the pangs of hunger prompts him; and there, he is prompted by the sight of the slave-driver's lash. His immediate dread may be the punishment which physical circumstances will inflict, or may be punishment inflicted by human agency. He must have a master; but the master may be Nature or may be a fellow-man. When he is under the impersonal coercion of Nature, we say that he...
-From Freedom to Bondage- This book based on the work of Herbert Spencer, is published in the collection "History of Scientific Knowledge" "Speaking b...
This book based on the work of Herbert Spencer and published by the collection "History of Scientific Knowledge," deals with the evolution of the family and analyses the contrast between the principle of family life and the principle of social life.
This book based on the work of Herbert Spencer and published by the collection "History of Scientific Knowledge," deals with the evolution of the fami...
This book deals with the history of primitive marriage as that developed by Ferguson McLennan through his work on primitive marriage. Arguing from the prevalence of the symbolical form of capture in the marriage ceremonies of primitive races, he developed an intelligible picture of the growth of the marriage relation and of systems of kinship according to natural laws. "In his ingenious and interesting work on "Primitive Marriage," the words "exogamy" and "endogamy" are used by Mr. McLennan to distinguish the two practices of taking to wife women belonging to other tribes, and taking to wife...
This book deals with the history of primitive marriage as that developed by Ferguson McLennan through his work on primitive marriage. Arguing from the...