Welcome to this interactive ebook on the chakra mantras. Interactive? Because of the links to the companion videos on YouTube where you can learn how to chant. Here you will find easy-to-understand answers to these three questions and more: 1. What is the chakra system, and why is it so important? 2. What makes Sanskrit mantras unique? 3. What Sanskrit mantras are used to tune (activate and balance) the chakras? As a bonus, in Chapter 4, I will introduce you to the Yoga of Sound, the much larger system of sound healing of which the chakra mantras are an important part. Finally, I'll end the...
Welcome to this interactive ebook on the chakra mantras. Interactive? Because of the links to the companion videos on YouTube where you can learn how ...
After 50 years of worse living through chemistry, patients are clamoring for more alternative and complementary medical choices. This book is about a powerful alternative to prescription drugs for treating anxiety and depression. That alternative is Mantra Meditation. Mantra Meditation comes to us from Ayurveda, "The Science of Life," the system of holistic medicine from India. Mantra means an "instrument of the mind," a powerful sound tool that can be used to reach a deep state of meditation -- an important tool for healing. Mantra therapy is Ayurveda's treatment of choice for both anxiety...
After 50 years of worse living through chemistry, patients are clamoring for more alternative and complementary medical choices. This book is about a ...