"Yes mother, I'm awake," I replied to the soft knocking on my door. It had happened every morning of my life, so I knew who was there and that my day had been planned. "Five new novices have been accepted and are moving into the dorm. You can go down there and help with that, but don't stay in the room with them alone. Appearance of propriety is very important. Two instructors are taking them to the range to give them a rundown on the basics. Lia will be there in case of accidents, but you could give pointers, like your brother James. Watch their magic and see what they're doing right or...
"Yes mother, I'm awake," I replied to the soft knocking on my door. It had happened every morning of my life, so I knew who was there and that my day ...
Alain looked at me sideways. "Your name's Alec, huh? Ain't that the name of the King's son that wanders?" I nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, I believe it is. I wonder what kind of things he does when he's on the road. Alain, you seem to know a lot about the royal family. Have you heard what that Alec does?" "Well, I heard that he just explores the country and helps folks that need it. In fact, I reckon that he'd help a poor farmer haul a load of hay if he needed a hand. There have been stories of him giving money to poor farmers and beggars just because he can. But there are also stories that he...
Alain looked at me sideways. "Your name's Alec, huh? Ain't that the name of the King's son that wanders?" I nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, I believe it is...
They'd all but forgotten me and had forgotten that I could learn by watching, same as they could. I'd watched the instruction of scores of young lady wizards-to-be, and I was sure that I knew a better way. I believed that there was a way that would be much faster and easier than the clunky spell words that they were required to learn. Being right in my belief was a hinge on which my plan swung. These soft people, with their soft ideals and titles, their cozy castles and cute families, needed to be put in their place. Forgetting me was a mistake. I am Conner Prescote, and they would remember...
They'd all but forgotten me and had forgotten that I could learn by watching, same as they could. I'd watched the instruction of scores of young lady ...