Author Daniel L. Walker has written many poems about difficult times he experienced in his life. His debut poetry novel 2015 Mary Ballard Award Nominee titled" God's Rain" talks about his personal demons, his marriage to co-author Teirra Walker, and dealing with rumors that his father allegedly molested a family member. Just as life began to look promising he would face tragedy with the untimely passing of his wife Teirra N. Walker.
Author Daniel L. Walker has written many poems about difficult times he experienced in his life. His debut poetry novel 2015 Mary Ballard Award Nomine...
Daniel L. Walker Teirra N. Walker Danyel L. Walker
Autor Daniel L. Walker ha escrito muchos poemas en tiempos dificiles que ha experimentado en su vida. Su primer largometraje poesia novela 2015 nominado para el Premio Maria Ballard titulada" Lluvia de Dios" habla de sus demonios personales, su matrimonio con co-autor Teirra Walker, y hacer frente a los rumores de que su padre habria molestado un miembro de la familia. Igual que la vida comenzo a mirar prometedor tragedia tendra que hacer frente con el fallecimiento de su esposa Teirra N. Walker."
Autor Daniel L. Walker ha escrito muchos poemas en tiempos dificiles que ha experimentado en su vida. Su primer largometraje poesia novela 2015 nomina...