The Dedication Project The Dedication Project is a collection of crowd-authored books which contents are primarily dedications collected from a specific community who dedicate the book to someone of influence or importance to their personal lives. Once their volume is published, each author receives a copy of their book to give to dedication recipient. This Project as a whole blurs the lines between art and the everyday, specifically by reviving gratitude in cultural language in the twenty-first century. Dedication: Volume 1 Arianna Warner's Family Every community has their own story to...
The Dedication Project The Dedication Project is a collection of crowd-authored books which contents are primarily dedications collected from a specif...
The Dedication Project is a collection of crowd-authored books which contents are primarily dedications collected from a specific community who dedicate the book to someone of influence or importance to their personal lives. Once their volume is published, each author receives a copy of their book to give to dedication recipient. This Project as a whole blurs the lines between art and the everyday, specifically by reviving gratitude in cultural language in the twenty-first century.
The Dedication Project is a collection of crowd-authored books which contents are primarily dedications collected from a specific community who dedica...
Ink Visible is a collaboration with tattoo artists who self-identify with an invisible disability who have created temporary tattoos inspired by their experiences. Each temporary tattoo is accompanied with the artist's story. All the temporary tattoos and stories will be available at Ink Visible events and at the online store. In addition, the public will be able to contribute their story and a drawing to the project at the traveling Ink Visible event. The first installment of Ink Visible features 5 Portland-based tattoo artists.
Ink Visible is a collaboration with tattoo artists who self-identify with an invisible disability who have created temporary tattoos inspired by their...