"Baker's Dozen" is the story of Norton, an introverted college student trying to make it in the real world by taking his first professional job at a local bakery. Little does he know that he'll be thrust into many new and unnerving situations involving eccentric co-workers, demanding customers and unscrupulous management. Spending most of his everyday life in his own mind, Norton soon realizes that his job and livelihood depend on him not remaining entirely in his comfort zone. Based almost entirely on actual events, this story combines the humor and drama that occur during the routine hours...
"Baker's Dozen" is the story of Norton, an introverted college student trying to make it in the real world by taking his first professional job at a l...
Though surrounded by people on a daily basis, Chuck is a miserably lonely man, desperately seeking companionship and affection. Not only does his shy personality make him reluctant to approach others, but he also harbors a secret side of himself that he's tried to suppress and forget for many years. This secret side fills him with a kind of self-loathing, and he unknowingly makes himself unapproachable to others around him. However, this all changes when he befriends Bjorn, a charismatic and worldly young man who opens Chuck's eyes and allows him to accept his true identity. This ultimately...
Though surrounded by people on a daily basis, Chuck is a miserably lonely man, desperately seeking companionship and affection. Not only does his shy ...