In this short introduction, Old Testament scholar Lee Roy Martin offers the first scholarly monograph length study on fasting written by a Pentecostal. Beginning with the practice and function of fasting as reflected in the biblical text, Martin produces the most extensive examination of fasting texts to date. Martin next offers a brief survey of fasting within the broader Christian tradition, giving special attention is to the role of fasting in the teaching of John Wesley, the spiritual 'grandfather' of Pentecostalism, providing the most detailed study available of Wesley's views on...
In this short introduction, Old Testament scholar Lee Roy Martin offers the first scholarly monograph length study on fasting written by a Pentecostal...
Walter Hollenweger, a recognized expert on the worldwide Pentecostal movement, has argued that Pentecostalism's greatest contribution to the larger Christian tradition has been in the area of worship. It is in the context of worship that people are saved, sanctified, baptized in the Spirit, healed, and filled with the hope of Christ's coming. Despite the importance of worship to the Pentecostal tradition, theologians in the movement have not yet developed a full-fledged theology of worship. In this multi-authored work, leading Pentecostal scholars come together to construct a contemporary...
Walter Hollenweger, a recognized expert on the worldwide Pentecostal movement, has argued that Pentecostalism's greatest contribution to the larger Ch...
Lee Roy Martin Lee Roy Martin John Christopher Thomas
Everyone knows the story of Jonah and the big fish, but the book of Jonah carries deeper significance than we sometimes realize. Jonah is a rebellious prophet who refuses to complete the assignment that the LORD gives to him. Why does Jonah run from his calling? The answer to that question gets to the heart of the message of Jonah's prophetic book. This new and exciting study of the book of Jonah is written for a popular audience: laity, pastors, and students. Arranged in five easy to read lessons, the work includes the author's original translation of the book of Jonah from the Hebrew text,...
Everyone knows the story of Jonah and the big fish, but the book of Jonah carries deeper significance than we sometimes realize. Jonah is a rebellious...