Marcus Richardson wants to escape the snares of the inner city. Growing up with a strong work ethic, he proves to be an industrious young man. He reconnects with Kim Han, a young Korean American college woman whose father runs Sunbeam Market, the neighborhood corner store. Marcus builds a friendship of trust and fresh perspective with Kim, which threatens to be something more, save for other challenges that occur in Marcus' life: his best friend and a neighborhood thug. Marcus must manage his best friend Tyrell Jones' emotions because Tyrell feels that he lives his life in Marcus' shadow....
Marcus Richardson wants to escape the snares of the inner city. Growing up with a strong work ethic, he proves to be an industrious young man. He reco...
Male Angst Volume I.: FML, I Always Get "Those" Chicks is the antithesis to 50 Shades of Grey. Reggie Jenkins is on to something but he just isn't getting it right. He is quasi-urban: too black for the mainstream, but not black enough for the underground. The passing away of people, opportunities, and relationships in Reggie's life have left a hole that he attempts to fill with sex, drugs, and false ego. Reggie has 'Male Angst'. In this novel, Reggie recounts two disastrous short term relationships: the first to a weed head Vietnamese mother of two who owns a nail salon and has an obsessed...
Male Angst Volume I.: FML, I Always Get "Those" Chicks is the antithesis to 50 Shades of Grey. Reggie Jenkins is on to something but he just isn't get...