Our New Creation Story is a long journey from the Big Bang to the Present Moment. Our planet is withering. This story tells us why and shows us how to overcome humankind's monumental challenges by making choices based on our species' recently advanced consciousness-providing a new context for everything that really matters: Knowledge, Appreciation, Awe, Gratitude, Truth, Beauty, Love, Courage, Joy, Relationship and Intimacy. These pages examine the crisis and opportunity of our current human epoch. We examine "deep time," including where we came from, who we are as a species, and why we are...
Our New Creation Story is a long journey from the Big Bang to the Present Moment. Our planet is withering. This story tells us why and shows us how to...
Book Three of our Creation Story provides solutions. Our hope for the future resides in the unexpected, in the irrational, in the intuitive. Mostly, our hope comes from faith in the human capacity to find a way through, to be brilliant when circumstances require brilliance. In our story the Universal Organizing Principle is the absolute nature of reality arising as pure consciousness, intelligence, function, and beauty, which appears in objective form as all manifest things, including whales, birdsongs, human children, stars, bees and primrose flowers. We are standing on a precipice that will...
Book Three of our Creation Story provides solutions. Our hope for the future resides in the unexpected, in the irrational, in the intuitive. Mostly, o...