Lahore, an ancient city of Pakistan, faces a huge sprawl of old and new buildings. It is not only threatened with depleting water table but also contamination of the available water with highly toxic pollutants. Lead poisoning results in neurological, teratogenic and possibly-carcinogenic effects. The main factors governing the solubility of the protective Lead carbonate layer in drinking water supplying pipes i.e. pH, temperature, water stagnation time in pipes and age of sampling house were taken into consideration. The objective was not to obtain a precise description of each individual...
Lahore, an ancient city of Pakistan, faces a huge sprawl of old and new buildings. It is not only threatened with depleting water table but also conta...
Ganodermalucidum, a white rot fungus belonging to basidiomycetes group, which is widely distributed worldwide, was studied for the production of the lignin-modifying enzymelaccase. In this experiment laccase production was investigated using submerged fermentation. The effects of variations in the media nutrient composition or culture conditions were provided to increase the production of laccase at laboratory level. The conditions for maximum production of Laccase by G. lucidum have been optimized in shake flask studies. The parameters like temperature, pH, Inoculum size and Incubation...
Ganodermalucidum, a white rot fungus belonging to basidiomycetes group, which is widely distributed worldwide, was studied for the production of the l...
Sample from Mid Triassic sediments, Western Salt Range, Pakistan was palynologically studied. Processed sample resulted in the rich assemblage of palynomorph including Trilete spores; Monosaccate and Bisaccate pollen; wood and cuticular fragments. A well diverse and palynologically abundant assemblage of fourteen form species belonging to thirteen form genera was recovered from the sample. Four form genera of five form species of Trilete spores were attributed to Pteridophytes, two form species belonging to two form genera of Monosaccate Pollen and five form genera and four form species were...
Sample from Mid Triassic sediments, Western Salt Range, Pakistan was palynologically studied. Processed sample resulted in the rich assemblage of paly...