For Pete's Sake is an adventurous tale of a tiny Gnome by the name of Pete. Pete faces many obstacles, including a giant of a Gnome by the name of Rose. Can Pete find enough courage to face his fears and Rose?
For Pete's Sake is an adventurous tale of a tiny Gnome by the name of Pete. Pete faces many obstacles, including a giant of a Gnome by the name of Ros...
For Pete's Sake and the Garden Gnome Crew is an adventurous tale of how Pete becomes a member of the Garden Gnome Crew and how he manages to get himself into trouble on his first day. Will Pete be able to save himself or will Rose have to come to his rescue?
For Pete's Sake and the Garden Gnome Crew is an adventurous tale of how Pete becomes a member of the Garden Gnome Crew and how he manages to get himse...