After a devastating tragedy strikes, follow one young man on his quest to find his real identity as he travels across the country. Meet a young girl in a small town who falls in love and escapes her boring life with him until someone new comes along. Journey through several states as the two continue their search for the truth. Finally uniting with others of the family, they discover they are pawns in a larger experiment, connected forever through deviant genetics and adulterated circumstances filled with secrets, direct from Washington, DC. Come along and join them as they unravel the...
After a devastating tragedy strikes, follow one young man on his quest to find his real identity as he travels across the country. Meet a young girl i...
Norma Lorre Goodrich Andrew Whitenack Scott Shouldis
CHARLEMAGNE, King of the Franks, was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on December 25th in the year 800 after amassing a vast empire and winning countless wars. A revered King and leader of men he accomplished great social deeds in alliance with the Catholic church and built his Palace and Chapel in Aachen. Along with his accomplishments for society and religious offerings there was a darker side of Charlemagne that is now explored. From her extensive research in the 1990's, Norma Lorre Goodrich reveals his life, his loves and his legends including his mass murdering, his sexual deviant behaviors...
CHARLEMAGNE, King of the Franks, was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on December 25th in the year 800 after amassing a vast empire and winning countless wa...