After a devastating tragedy strikes, follow one young man on his quest to find his real identity as he travels across the country. Meet a young girl in a small town who falls in love and escapes her boring life with him until someone new comes along. Journey through several states as the two continue their search for the truth. Finally uniting with others of the family, they discover they are pawns in a larger experiment, connected forever through deviant genetics and adulterated circumstances filled with secrets, direct from Washington, DC. Come along and join them as they unravel the...
After a devastating tragedy strikes, follow one young man on his quest to find his real identity as he travels across the country. Meet a young girl i...
The Jungle of Academe is the compiled poetry of the late Dr. Norma Lorre Goodrich (1917-2006) written during a large portion of her academic life and teaching career beginning in 1944 and ending in 2000. These works are filled with Norma's strong passions and private emotions spanning her personal life, her family and her teaching career. As Norma had intended, a few of these will be included in a book currently being edited for future publication but to date, none of these have ever been seen or published. Followers of Dr. Goodrich will want to add this brand new book to their collection.
The Jungle of Academe is the compiled poetry of the late Dr. Norma Lorre Goodrich (1917-2006) written during a large portion of her academic life and ...