Jim Crow's Legacy shows the lasting impact of segregation on the lives of African Americans who lived through it, as well as its impact on future generations. The book draws on interviews with elderly African American southerners whose stories poignantly show the devastation of racism not only in the past, but also in the present. The book introduces readers to the realities of the Jim Crow era for African Americans--from life at home to work opportunities to the broader social context in America. However, the book moves beyond merely setting the scene into the powerful memories of elderly...
Jim Crow's Legacy shows the lasting impact of segregation on the lives of African Americans who lived through it, as well as its impact on future gene...
Ruth Thompson-Miller Joe R. Feagin Leslie H. Picca
Jim Crow's Legacy shows the lasting impact of segregation on the lives of African Americans who lived through it, as well as its impact on future generations. The book draws on interviews with elderly African American southerners whose stories poignantly show the devastation of racism not only in the past, but also in the present. The book introduces readers to the realities of the Jim Crow era for African Americans--from life at home to work opportunities to the broader social context in America. However, the book moves beyond merely setting the scene into the powerful memories of elderly...
Jim Crow's Legacy shows the lasting impact of segregation on the lives of African Americans who lived through it, as well as its impact on future gene...