Magdalene's Black Rose: The Love Story of Jesus and His Beloved by Mary Clarice McChrist is here after seven years in the making. At last, Lord and Lady Christ's sacred and intimate story is told by Mary Magdalene herself. Read Christ's love poems, live their passion, and share their ecstasy and sorrows. Your questions are answered at last. Did Magdalene and Christ marry? Were there children? Is this the Holy Grail lineage? Were their Holy Women? Who were they? How did they hold the "energetic field" for Lord and Lady Christ? Why did Peter dislike the Magdalene? Did Christ really Ascend? It's...
Magdalene's Black Rose: The Love Story of Jesus and His Beloved by Mary Clarice McChrist is here after seven years in the making. At last, Lord and La...
Sacred teachings, rare esoteric offerings, direct transmissions-channelings, combined with breath-taking illustrations create a powerful weaving of essence, enlightenment and wisdom of the Buddhas, both Masculine and Feminine. This book offers practical, proven, daily offerings, prayers and tools for enlightenment. Lord Gautama Buddha opens the Path to the seeker giving refuge, meditation, prayers, songs, teachings - One Hand Clapping, Opening of the Crown Chakra, and more. Maitreya Buddha introduces Mother Buddha's Sutra on Compassion. Chenrezig gives secret teachings on Christ Love and...
Sacred teachings, rare esoteric offerings, direct transmissions-channelings, combined with breath-taking illustrations create a powerful weaving of es...