In a world of dwindling civil liberties, Kerry O'Malley and her husband, controversial author Connor O'Malley, immigrated to the United States decades ago to publish Connor's politically-charged science-fiction book. Now Lieutenant of the Chicago Crime Scene Investigation team, Kerry has made a name for herself by tracking and eliminating criminals with the help of the Choice system, a computer network that registers the thoughts of every citizen. During a seemingly routine investigation into an organized crime plot, Kerry's family is violently attacked. The subsequent investigation links...
In a world of dwindling civil liberties, Kerry O'Malley and her husband, controversial author Connor O'Malley, immigrated to the United States decades...
The world is on fire. The crime-syndicate-turned-political-party Shishka leads Eastern Russia in a war on Western Russia. A dangerous alliance between the Shishka and Tajada Brotherhood, led by terrorist Abu Shirah, threatens United States security and the safety of the world. Chicago's FBI Field Office leader Agent Kerry O'Malley and her brother Neil work tirelessly to take out Eastern Russia's greatest asset--the notorious supercomputer, 289. Meanwhile, Kerry's family is trapped on an island invaded by enemies of the secretive and once all-powerful Group. As Kerry participates in missions...
The world is on fire. The crime-syndicate-turned-political-party Shishka leads Eastern Russia in a war on Western Russia. A dangerous alliance between...
Amidst the growing national debate about gender identity, it isn't easy being a conservative or Christian parent raising a child with gender dysphoria. These parents are navigating uncharted waters, often without support and resources geared toward their population. Keeley is the fictional story of a child growing up with gender dysphoria in a Latter-Day Saint family. Told from the father's perspective, it includes fourteen references to scientific studies and seven quotes from prophets. As this devout father searches for scientific and spiritual answers for his beloved child, he encounters...
Amidst the growing national debate about gender identity, it isn't easy being a conservative or Christian parent raising a child with gender dysphoria...