Libro de pura accion de principio a fin, que trata sobre las razones por el cual Lucifer y sus seguidores fueron expulsados del reino de los cielos y sobre las guerras ocurridas en el cielo, la tierra y el infierno. Todo esta escrito en un formato de dialogo que despertara el interes de los lectores. En este libro conoceras quienes son los Nefelines y los Azelines y como ingeniosamente se llevaron a cabo cada una de esas guerras.
Libro de pura accion de principio a fin, que trata sobre las razones por el cual Lucifer y sus seguidores fueron expulsados del reino de los cielos y ...
Pure Book of action from the beginning to the end that is about the reason that cause the fall of Lucifer and his followers from the grace of God, the confusion between the Heavenly Host, the beginning of evil and the different Wars that occur in Heaven, Earth and Hell between the forces of good and the forces of evil. You will know about the Azelins and the Nefelins and in which side they are fighting for, also you will revive some scenes with some of the Characters of the Bible, but in a different way. It is a cool Book for peoples almost of every age. Explore new Worlds and things you will...
Pure Book of action from the beginning to the end that is about the reason that cause the fall of Lucifer and his followers from the grace of God, the...
This book tells what happened to a bird of the species of the Blue Jays that acted as a bully in his school and in his neighborhood. Find out how this bird received a lesson by an animal much smaller and the things that happened when he was about to take his final test from the flying school. It is a book with lots of humor and many examples of good values.
This book tells what happened to a bird of the species of the Blue Jays that acted as a bully in his school and in his neighborhood. Find out how this...