Elevator Music is a virtuoso performance by the best-selling author of novels Biflocka, A Lion In Your Number, and The Feels. It is the story of you, _______, a young man who has 24-hours to live. You have to figure out what you will do in that expanse of time. One of the things you desire most is confessing a long-lived love to the elusive, generous, unstable Shelby, a South Floridian dame. Struggling to stay sane, you persevere with Shelby, doing all the things you have desired to do. But the festivities of a good-time extinguish when Shelby figures out your death-wish tendencies . . ....
Elevator Music is a virtuoso performance by the best-selling author of novels Biflocka, A Lion In Your Number, and The Feels. It is the story of yo...
"The kid went up this kicker--which, if you are not a skateboarder, is an incline or decline you go up or down--launched in the air (the board staying under him), and landed on top of a four-foot tall railing just ahead of the kicker, glided along it, then finally dropped off and landed down on the cement. Perfectly.
"It was love at first sight.
"Lo and behold, I became a skater. . . ."
Carl Klitz is an amateur local skateboarder in South Florida. Since he was nine...
"A child's toy consumed my life.
"The kid went up this kicker--which, if you are not a skateboarder, is an incline or ...