Gen F is an anthology of short stories for our times, an ensemble of comic tragedies and humiliations for those displaced by a reversal of fortune, the toxicity of failure, psychological downsizing, class disparity, vanished industries, outsourscing, mortgage collapse, bank bailouts and stimulus recovery for the wealthy. The authors of Gen F are Andrew Berardini, Ronee Blakley, Betty Ann Brown, Matty Byloos, Luca Celada, Paul Chavez, Shana Nys Dambrot, Michael Delgado, Harry Dunn, Gordy Grundy, Doug Harvey, James Hayward, Rich Henrich, Sarah Hunter, Josh Herman, Tulsa Kinney, Victoria...
Gen F is an anthology of short stories for our times, an ensemble of comic tragedies and humiliations for those displaced by a reversal of fortune, th...