English Danish bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Danish as their second language.
This children's book will motivate the kids to take responsibility and keep their room organized. Follow along as little bunny Jimmy and his brothers learn their lesson in this picture book. They learn to work together, clean up their room, and organize their toys.
Denne bOrnebog kan motivere bOrn til at tage ansvar, samt holde deres vAErelse ryddeligt. FOlg med mens kanin Jimmy og hans brOdre lAErer "lektien" i denne billedbog. De lAErer at samarbejde, gOre...
English Danish bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Danish as their second language.
Everybody loves their Mom, no matter what their age. In this bedtime story, the little bunny Jimmy and his older brothers try to find a perfect present for Mom's birthday. They want to show how much they love her. What creative solution did they find to express their feelings? You will find out in this illustrated children's book.
Everybody loves their Mom, no matter what their age. In this bedtime story, the little bunny Jimmy and his older brothers try to find a perfect pre...
Bilingual English Greek children's book. Perfect for kids studying Greek or English as their second language. Fun story with important message.
Everybody loves their Mom, no matter what their age. In this bedtime story, the little bunny Jimmy and his older brothers try to find a perfect present for Mom's birthday. They want to show how much they love her. What creative solution did they find to express their feelings? You will find out in this illustrated children's book.
Bilingual English Greek children's book. Perfect for kids studying Greek or English as their second language. Fun story with important message.
English Greek children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or Greek as their second language.
Jimmy the little bunny doesn't start off knowing how to ride a two-wheeler bike like his big brothers. In fact, sometimes he gets teased for it. When Dad shows Jimmy how not to be afraid to try something new, that's when the fun begins.
English Greek children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or Greek as their second language.
English German Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or German as their second language. Fun children's book with educational message.
Jimmy the little bunny is in trouble. Accidently, he ruined his mother favourite flowers. Will it help if he lies? Or is it better to tell the truth and try to solve the problem in different way? Help your children to learn to be more honest with this fun children's book.
Der kleine Hase Jimmy ist in Schwierigkeiten. Er hat aus Versehen die Lieblingsblumen seiner Mutter zerstOrt. Wird es helfen, wenn er...
English German Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or German as their second language. Fun children's book with educationa...
English German Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or German as their second language. Fun children's book with educational message.
Jimmy the little bunny is in trouble. Accidently, he ruined his mother favourite flowers. Will it help if he lies? Or is it better to tell the truth and try to solve the problem in different way? Help your children to learn to be more honest with this fun children's book.
Der kleine Hase Jimmy ist in Schwierigkeiten. Er hat aus Versehen die Lieblingsblumen seiner Mutter zerstOrt. Wird es helfen, wenn er...
English German Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or German as their second language. Fun children's book with educationa...
English Italian Children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Italian as their second language.
Jimmy the little bunny is in trouble. Accidently, he ruined his mother favourite flowers. Will it help if he lies? Or is it better to tell the truth and try to solve the problem in different way? Help your children to learn to be more honest with this fun children's book.
Il coniglietto Jimmy E nei guai. Per sbaglio, ha rovinato i fiori preferiti della sua mamma. Se la caverA con una bugia? O forse sarebbe meglio dire la veritA e cercare di risolvere il problema in modo...
English Italian Children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Italian as their second language.
Jimmy the little bunny is in trouble. Accidently, he ruined his mother favourite flowers. Will it help if he lies? Or is it better to tell the truth and try to solve the problem in different way? Help your children to learn to be more honest with this fun children's book.
Jimmy le petit lapin a des problEmes. Il a abImE sans le faire exprEs les fleurs prEfErEes de sa mEre. Doit-il lui mentir ? Ou faut-il mieux dire la vEritE et essayer de trouver une solution pour rEparer les dEgAts ? Aidez votre enfant A apprendre A ne pas mentir avec ce petit livre trEs...
Jimmy the little bunny is in trouble. Accidently, he ruined his mother favourite flowers. Will it help if he lies? Or is it better to tell the trut...
Jimmy the little bunny doesn't start off knowing how to ride a two-wheeler bike like his big brothers. In fact, sometimes he gets teased for it. When Dad shows Jimmy how not to be afraid to try something new, that's when the fun begins.
Jimmy le petit lapin ne sait pas faire du vElo sans petites roues comme ses grands frEres. Et cela lui vaut parfois des moqueries. Le jour oU papa dEcide de montrer A Jimmy comment vaincre sa peur de l'inconnu, cela devient bien plus drOle pour tout le monde.
Jimmy the little bunny doesn't start off knowing how to ride a two-wheeler bike like his big brothers. In fact, sometimes he gets teased for it. Wh...
Jimmy, the little bunny, is very upset and nervous. Tomorrow is his first day in daycare, but he just wants to stay at home with his mom. Join Jimmy to find out how his friendly teddy bear helps him to feel excited. This children's book can help your little ones overcome their worries of leaving their parents for the first time, while helping them to adjust to new changes. Finally, Jimmy discovers how much fun daycare really is
Jimmy, le petit lapin, est trEs inquiet et nerveux. Demain, c'est son premier jour A la crEche, mais il voudrait juste rester A la...
Jimmy, the little bunny, is very upset and nervous. Tomorrow is his first day in daycare, but he just wants to stay at home with his mom. Join Jimm...