Far, far from Earth is the planet World, and Gthnaargh, their most reluctant astronaut, is sent into space to investigate the weird aliens or die in the attempt. He nearly does both when he strands himself on Earth at the mercy of some very weird people indeed. But Dire Robvek, World's Chief Astrophysicist, has a lot of questions: if they must send someone, why send Gthnaargh, a man so stupid the word 'thicko' had to be added to the computer's lexicon? And what is the connection between the mission and the mysterious World Security Agency? She's determined to find the answers. But that...
Far, far from Earth is the planet World, and Gthnaargh, their most reluctant astronaut, is sent into space to investigate the weird aliens or die in t...
Thinking of keeping chickens? Fancy collecting fresh-laid eggs every day? Hoping for a little slice of the good life? Well, this book will provide some basic, down-to-earth advice for the beginner, including help constructing the run and the house, what to feed the chickens, and how to deal with problems.
Thinking of keeping chickens? Fancy collecting fresh-laid eggs every day? Hoping for a little slice of the good life? Well, this book will provide som...