This book offers a series of studies that come together in their concern for furthering an understanding of the French language, of its uses, its forms, its variation, and its acquisition. Other than contributing to a general understanding of French, this book also addresses the use of corpora for the study of language and the links between tools, methods, analyses and applications. What data are used, and how? What are the underlying theoretical and/or methodological considerations? How have these changed our way of formulating linguistic descriptions? What are the implications for...
This book offers a series of studies that come together in their concern for furthering an understanding of the French language, of its uses, its form...
Cet ouvrage reunit des articles autour de differents questionnements que suscite la prise en compte de la variation en francais aujourd'hui. Il apparait plus que jamais que l'etude de la variation, ayant contribue a elargir le perimetre de la sociolinguistique, investit progressivement differents domaines et branches de la linguistique et de la linguistique appliquee. Organise en six sections (Aborder la variation, Sociolinguistique historique, Contact des langues, Etudes du francais parle, Oral et ecrit, Acquisition et enseignement), cet ouvrage a pour objectif de presenter differentes...
Cet ouvrage reunit des articles autour de differents questionnements que suscite la prise en compte de la variation en francais aujourd'hui. Il app...