Curse of The Dragon Kings tells of the mythical origins of the noble Dragon Race, the Dragorians, of their magic and dealings with the Elves, and of their connection with the wizard Myrddin (Merlin was his name as he appeared in the Arthurian Saga) and his brother, Calatin. It tells of the love story between Dragoras the King and Grainnewyn of the Elves. Arcaendria is the setting of Curse of The Dragon Kings. There, in the land of Daegoras, the noble race of Dragorians once dwelled, long before the coming of dwarves and even the elves to their land. But the Dragorians were divided by the slow...
Curse of The Dragon Kings tells of the mythical origins of the noble Dragon Race, the Dragorians, of their magic and dealings with the Elves, and of t...