When an illicit encounter with a beautiful prostitute changes the life of young John Marshall, he sets out on a personal quest for vengeance. Raised by a drunken father, John had seemed destined for life on a factory floor. Now, his wrath is directed at those who have what he does not-the wealthy and the powerful. His weapon is the most subtle of arts: seduction. His goal: to wheedle his way into the lives of the well-to-do. There, he will tear apart families, ruin lives and, finally, claw his way to the top of the heap. John thinks of his life as a "private war," and nothing will hold him...
When an illicit encounter with a beautiful prostitute changes the life of young John Marshall, he sets out on a personal quest for vengeance. Raised b...
BEN SCHREIBER suffers from a range of physical and psychiatric disorders, ranging from Tourette's syndrome to narcissism, borderline personality, and schizoaffective disorder. He is hospitalized after a drug-crazed attempt at a bank robbery and is now under the care of Dr C, a female psychiatrist. Ben has little faith that psychiatric medicine will help him rid his mind of the delusions and hallucinations that his disorder presents, as it has done little for him thus far. He also knows that Dr C will not be treating him alone: He must introduce her to the cast of characters that share his...
BEN SCHREIBER suffers from a range of physical and psychiatric disorders, ranging from Tourette's syndrome to narcissism, borderline personality, and ...
"It's like I'm too far away, in time, from when I would actively participate in things, enjoying them while they were happening..." Ben Schreiber mostly inhabits a world within himself, sharing it with his alter ego Georgie, living often non-linearly in a process of psychosis with visions and images of characters that fade in and out. In reality, Ben is in sessions with his therapist, Dr C, who is inviting him to recall family memories. Inside his own world, Ben is in front of the cameras he has set up in his home office, telling his story. In it, he recalls his sex education as a child, the...
"It's like I'm too far away, in time, from when I would actively participate in things, enjoying them while they were happening..." Ben Schreiber most...