Tired of reading the daily headlines, about kids out of control? Then it is time for you to change what it is that you are reading. Take a four-decade journey with high school teacher, Mary Thomas, as she shares amazing, emotional, life changing stories of kids with compassion; kids with character; kids that make a 180 degree turn in their life because someone cared. Each chapter is a true story depicting events throughout this teacher's career of her encounters with teens that are sure to inspire the reader to think differently about our under-estimated youth. She reminds us that every...
Tired of reading the daily headlines, about kids out of control? Then it is time for you to change what it is that you are reading. Take a four-decade...
Tired of reading the daily headlines, about kids out of control? Then it is time for you to change what it is that you are reading.
Take a four-decade journey with high school teacher, Mary Thomas, as she shares amazing, emotional, life changing stories of kids with compassion; kids with character; kids that make a 180 degree turn in their life because someone cared. Each chapter is a true story depicting events throughout this teacher's career of her encounters with teens that are sure to inspire the reader to think differently about our under-estimated youth. She reminds us that...
Tired of reading the daily headlines, about kids out of control? Then it is time for you to change what it is that you are reading.