"The Broken Son" is the first installment in a three part series of short novels. It depicts the life of a pre-teen boy who is emotionally and physically abused while growing up in Detroit, Michigan during the 1980s. The boy is so distraught with his surroundings he believes that his parents are determined to kill him. To make matters worse, the boy frequently hallucinates about an evil clown who appears to him during his troubles only to add fuel to his parents fire. The second book in the trilogy titled "Without A Home" details the boy's teen years in foster care and eventually his time in...
"The Broken Son" is the first installment in a three part series of short novels. It depicts the life of a pre-teen boy who is emotionally and physica...
Without a Home is the second novel in a trilogy of books that follow a boy named David, and his experience with abuse-and the ways in which he survives it. Without a Home chronicles David's teenage years as he navigates the many sides of the foster care system in Cleveland, Ohio. The first book in the trilogy, The Broken Son, depicts David's life up to the age of twelve in Detroit, Michigan, where he lives with his abusive parents. He has reason to believe that they are determined to kill him. To make matters worse, David is plagued with hallucinations of an evil clown who makes his journey...
Without a Home is the second novel in a trilogy of books that follow a boy named David, and his experience with abuse-and the ways in which he survive...
Never Again concludes the story of a man named David's experience with abuse. Returning home from war, he is forced once again to live with his physically and emotionally abusive parents. Throughout his child, he feared that his parents were the ones who were going to kill him-but now, as a hardened veteran returning from battle, it's David who wants to do the killing. The first book in the trilogy, The Broken Son, follows the first twelve years of David's life as he grows up in Detroit, constantly subject to harsh abuse and neglect on behalf of his parents. To make matters worse, David is...
Never Again concludes the story of a man named David's experience with abuse. Returning home from war, he is forced once again to live with his physic...
The Broken Son is the first installment in a three-part series of short novels. It depicts the life of a pre-teen boy who is emotionally and physically abused while growing up in Detroit, Michigan during the 1980s. The boy is so distraught with his surroundings he believes that his parents are determined to kill him. To make matters worse, the boy frequently hallucinates about an evil clown who appears to him during his troubles, only to add fuel to his parents' fire. The second book in the trilogy, Without a Home, details the boy's teen years in foster care and eventually his time in...
The Broken Son is the first installment in a three-part series of short novels. It depicts the life of a pre-teen boy who is emotionally and physicall...