Marriage and the family is a broad area where many people have exhibited gross ignorance. Unfortunately, it is a landscape where there has been many ugly casualties. Many people have, therefore, expressed the need for a powerful family deliverance manual. The book which you hold in your hands is a product of years of research. It addresses the hopes and aspirations of stake holders as far as the institution of marriage is considered. Family deliverance has been vomited by the Holy Ghost to rescue many families, prop up the tottering walls of marital stability and grant immunity to homes....
Marriage and the family is a broad area where many people have exhibited gross ignorance. Unfortunately, it is a landscape where there has been many u...
10 Reasons, 10 Rules, 10 Weapons Are you fighting the inevitable battles of life for the wrong reasons, with the wrong rules and with the wrong weapons? "Not all fingers are appropriate to pick the nose." Ignorance can damage you and your chances in life. Physical weapons against spiritual problems will surely bring defeat. The servant of God has again been inspired to dwell on reasons, rules and weapons for the battles of life, from an uncommon point of view. Please read on
10 Reasons, 10 Rules, 10 Weapons Are you fighting the inevitable battles of life for the wrong reasons, with the wrong rules and with the wrong weapon...
The Power of Aggressive Prayer warriors is a unique spiritual warfare manual. The principles of prayers prayer are outlined, the mysteries of spiritual warfare are unraveled, the steps to becoming spiritual giants are clearly enunciated. This book is practical, Scriptural, and exhaustive.
The Power of Aggressive Prayer warriors is a unique spiritual warfare manual. The principles of prayers prayer are outlined, the mysteries of spiritua...
Ce message est pour ceux qui desirent que leur destin change pour le meilleur, ceux qui sont fatigues de jouer aux billes et veulent que Dieu fasse reellement quelque chose de bon pour eux. Ce nlest pas pour ceux qui argumentent encore sur le fait dletre saint ou pas. C'est pour ceux qui ont deja pris la decision d'etre saint, et qui parla purete maintenantveulent le pouvoir."
Ce message est pour ceux qui desirent que leur destin change pour le meilleur, ceux qui sont fatigues de jouer aux billes et veulent que Dieu fasse re...
Il y a un mystere que vous avez besoin de savoir au sujet des etoiles. Quand vous vous armez de la comprehension parfaite de la complexite des mysteres des etoiles, votre vie ne sera plus la meme. De meme, l'ignorance du mystere des etoiles vous maintiendra dans la servitude. En effet, vous ne serez jamais capable d'actualiser le dessein et les plans de Dieu pour votre vie si vous etes ignorant du mystere des etoiles. Je veux alors vous implorer de vous ouvrir a l'esprit de Dieu comme je vous fais decouvrir les mysteres derriere les etoiles dans votre ciel. Dans la priere, allez atravers ces...
Il y a un mystere que vous avez besoin de savoir au sujet des etoiles. Quand vous vous armez de la comprehension parfaite de la complexite des mystere...