Gin-Ryu is an ancient katana sword and as it changes hands a story unfolds. The story takes place a year after the events of Gin-Ryu Vigilant Effort. Gin-Ryu gets donated to the Detroit Institute of Arts for their new samurai exhibit. When preparing the sword the curator is attacked and it is stolen by a street gang. The leader attempts to use Gin-Ryu to rally what's left of his members, in preparation for the impending street war. A mysterious man shows up and offers to help but at what cost?
Gin-Ryu is an ancient katana sword and as it changes hands a story unfolds. The story takes place a year after the events of Gin-Ryu Vigilant Effort. ...
Gin-Ryu translated from Japanese means silver dragon. It's an ancient katana sword as it changes hands a story unfolds. Tortured fate follows Gin-Ryu as it travels with five very different individuals. The curator who wants to exhibit it, the hoodlum who wants to wage war with it, the trickster who was hired to acquire it, the student who wants to honor it and the broker who wants to sell it.
Gin-Ryu translated from Japanese means silver dragon. It's an ancient katana sword as it changes hands a story unfolds. Tortured fate follows Gin-Ryu ...