Rooted in the American experience, a century of African-American history is vividly portrayed in this story for young readers about two identically-named, twin rag dolls named Yomy. The Yomys are passed down through generations of children and come in contact with such historical figures as Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, and Josephine Baker. They are even present when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his famous I Have a Dream speech during the 1963 March on Washington. This historical tale and all the Yomy s dramatic adventures are enlivened with illustrations throughout the book by...
Rooted in the American experience, a century of African-American history is vividly portrayed in this story for young readers about two identically-na...
Carol Marie Davis Carol Marie Davis Kimi The Wonde
In her fourth book, author-illustrator Carol Marie Davis has written a collection of delightful mysteries featuring sassy sleuth hound Kimi. The setting is semi-tropical Florida neighborhood where Kimi and her band of canine friends help their humans track down missing rare orchids, valuable violins and other mysteries. Based on her own experiences adopting a puppy with an excellent nose from the Humane Society of Sarasota County, Davis gives voice to a wide range of dogs, from spunky Hernando the Chihuahua to Biz-Kid the Pit Bull with a goofy smile. Pen and ink illustrations adorning each...
In her fourth book, author-illustrator Carol Marie Davis has written a collection of delightful mysteries featuring sassy sleuth hound Kimi. The setti...