The acclaimed national bestseller, the first and only diary written by a Guant?namo detainee during his imprisonment, now with previously censored material restored. When GUANT?NAMO DIARY was first published--heavily redacted by the U.S. government--in 2015, Mohamedou Ould Slahi was still imprisoned at the detainee camp in Guant?namo Bay, Cuba, despite a federal court ruling ordering his release, and it was unclear when or if he would ever see freedom. In October 2016, he was finally released and reunited with his family. During his 14-year imprisonment, the United States never...
The acclaimed national bestseller, the first and only diary written by a Guant?namo detainee during his imprisonment, now with previously censored ...
The international bestseller that set the world on fire, told in full for the first time: Mohamedou Ould Slahi's unflinching account of his fourteen years of detention without charge in Guantanamo Bay
The international bestseller that set the world on fire, told in full for the first time: Mohamedou Ould Slahi's unflinching account of his fourteen y...
Ein schockierender Bericht aus der Hölle Guantanamos von unwidersprochener Authentizität
Der Spiegel-Bestseller - jetzt unzensiert
Todesdrohung, Gewaltanwendung, sexueller Missbrauch: Mohamedou Slahis Geständnis wurde unter Folter erpresst. Er galt jahrelang als einer der Hauptverdächtigen der Anschläge vom 11. September. Doch obwohl ein Gericht bereits 2010 seine Freilassung angeordnet hatte, blieb er bis zum Oktober 2016 inhaftiert. Sein ergreifender Bericht ist die bisher einzige bekannte Chronik eines Guantanamo-Gefangenen, die in der Haft verfasst wurde. Ein...
Ein schockierender Bericht aus der Hölle Guantanamos von unwidersprochener Authentizität