Worship in its truest form has the ability to transform lives, drastically change nations, churches and masses of people at one time. True worship ushers heaven's atmosphere to manifestation here on earth. When true worship goes forth, signs, wonders, and miracles begin to take place in unprecedented ways. However, there is worship that God does and does not respond to. Real worship does not start with a microphone; it starts with a relationship with God. In the book "The Heart of Worship" the author teaches us true biblical worship that touches and pleases the Father. God is seeking true...
Worship in its truest form has the ability to transform lives, drastically change nations, churches and masses of people at one time. True worship ush...
Forgiveness is a powerful tool that will heal, set free, and deliver you from any and all emotional wounds. In the book, Healing the Heart Through Forgiveness, the author breaks down the principle of forgiveness in order to be made whole. Do you want the pain of your past to no longer dictate your future? Do you want the abuse you suffered to no longer have an impact on your life today? Do you want full and total deliverance from demonic strongholds that have kept you stuck, stagnant and bound? This book is you. Christ died when we were yet sinners so we could be set free. This book will give...
Forgiveness is a powerful tool that will heal, set free, and deliver you from any and all emotional wounds. In the book, Healing the Heart Through For...
One of the greatest weapons the enemy uses to discourage, discredit, and stop your prophetic promise from coming forth is a soul tie. When God is getting ready to bless your life, He will send a divine connection. The devil is a counterfeit. He secretly uses strategies of the kingdom to counteract what God wants to do in your life. So when the enemy wants to stop your vision and ministry from coming forth he will send you a soul tie. In this hour of Christendom, you cannot afford to be denied. Soul ties cause you to miss your moment. You want to be at the right place at the right time for...
One of the greatest weapons the enemy uses to discourage, discredit, and stop your prophetic promise from coming forth is a soul tie. When God is gett...
Emotional, spiritual and mental health is a necessity to your Christian walk. Samaria is not only an anointed writer, and minister, she is a licensed therapist in the mental health field. In the Process of Emotional Healing, she uses her profession as a licensed counselor, her faith as a Christian, and her expertise of the mental health field to assist the reader in emotional healing, mental health, and spiritual recovery from a Christian perspective. In our Christian church, we have overlooked, and not acknowledged mental illness as an issue within the church. As a consequence, many...
Emotional, spiritual and mental health is a necessity to your Christian walk. Samaria is not only an anointed writer, and minister, she is a licensed ...
Psychology in short, is the study of the mind, and how the mind impacts behavior. Warfare is the struggle between two opposing forces. The greatest wars that have ever been, started with the battle that goes unseen, unheard, but it is always there, lurking, willing and wanting you to fail. It is the war between good and evil, right and wrong, sanity versus insanity, turmoil versus joy. This war we must all fight at some point in our human existence. This war is not a onetime battle, it is a war we must fight over and over again, whether we like it or not. Some win the war, many have lost the...
Psychology in short, is the study of the mind, and how the mind impacts behavior. Warfare is the struggle between two opposing forces. The greatest wa...
Of all the wars throughout history, none will be as powerful, as the spiritual warfare that we face today. Every believer is enlisted in a battle, that God has preordained us to fight. As we continue to see calamities and natural disasters, we must be aware of the real threat that is occurring, and how we are to oppose it. Samaria Colbert is an uncompromising, dynamic, woman of God, who has a mandate on her life to empower, enlighten, and challenge the believer, to grow and mature into kingdom soldiers, who walk in the authority to: possess, rebuke, bind, loose, and set captives free In this...
Of all the wars throughout history, none will be as powerful, as the spiritual warfare that we face today. Every believer is enlisted in a battle, tha...
You are in your mid 20's, 30's, 40's, or older. You are a blood washed bible believing Christian. You live a life of holiness. You are educated, you have a great career and a solid relationship with God. Yet you keep asking yourself the same question, "Why Am I Still Single?" What happens when you have been healed and set free from the strongholds of your past? You are not intentionally sinning, yet you still find yourself single. In this book, Samaria talks waiting from God's perspective. She looks at how God creates, and structures our singleness for His purpose. This book will...
You are in your mid 20's, 30's, 40's, or older. You are a blood washed bible believing Christian. You live a life of holiness. You are educated, you h...