"The Union of The State," by author Corey Stulce, is the untold, uncensored story of the most influential and prolific comedy troupe of the last twenty-five years -- and a unique tale in the history of show business.
"The members of The State are my heroes, my peers and my friends. Individually and collectively they are responsible for an impressively large percentage of everything funny that currently exists in the world. For comedy nerds like me, it's essential reading." -- "Weird Al" Yankovic
The book, "The Union of The State," is an oral history of the acclaimed troupe's...
"The Union of The State," by author Corey Stulce, is the untold, uncensored story of the most influential and prolific comedy troupe of the last tw...
"The Union of The State" by author Corey Stulce is the untold, uncensored story of the most influential and prolific comedy troupe of the last twenty-five years -- and a unique tale in the history of show business. It will be released in print, Kindle, and ebook formats on Tuesday, May 3, 2016. "The members of The State are my heroes, my peers and my friends. Individually and collectively they are responsible for an impressively large percentage of everything funny that currently exists in the world. For comedy nerds like me, it's essential reading." -- "Weird Al" Yankovic The book, "The...
"The Union of The State" by author Corey Stulce is the untold, uncensored story of the most influential and prolific comedy troupe of the last twen...