This anthology, in full colour, has edited contributions from a group of people in the New Zealand Christian Writers' Guild Hauraki Branch. I became obsessed with the desire to understand how we all experience life's journey in our own way and made it my business to try to enthuse my fellow writers. A collection of work as diverse as this can only accentuate the fact that we serve an AWESOME God. Unique as we are so unique is He. A very special thank you to our publisher Preller Geldenhuys who has helped drive this group to submit their work. To those who didn't get to this in time, please...
This anthology, in full colour, has edited contributions from a group of people in the New Zealand Christian Writers' Guild Hauraki Branch. I became o...
NEW, REVISED EDITION The life and time of a Rhodesian Air Force combat pilot who followed his father's footsteps into aviation and fought in the Rhodesian / Zimbabwe war 1965-1980.Heritage is traced from his grandfather's participation in the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902, his father's involvement in East-Africa during the Second World War 1939-1945 and his survival in the Southern African conflict. The author flew a variety of aircraft and served as a Flight Commander on Hawker Hunter and Canberra aircraft, serving on No's 1 and 5 Squadrons of the Rhodesian Air Force. This true story
NEW, REVISED EDITION The life and time of a Rhodesian Air Force combat pilot who followed his father's footsteps into aviation and fought in the Rhode...