""She's always making a total spectacle of herself.""
If Angie's heard this once, she's heard it a thousand times. But does she care? LIKE HELL, and why should she? Life is bliss She has a delicious new husband, a gorgeous little Victorian "doer-upper" "and" the opportunity of becoming rich beyond her wildest dreams.
Alas, the same can't be said for grumpy sister, Hazel who's not only lost her job, house and libido, but the will to live.
Poor Hazel, darling Hazel; it's eating away at Angie and she simply has to do something about it.
Oh dear, famous last words...
In typical...
""She's always making a total spectacle of herself.""
If Angie's heard this once, she's heard it a thousand times. But does she care? LIKE HELL,...