Mind Field deals with the "You" that extends beyond "You." If you are looking to master accomplishment, Mind Field is what you need. Learn to Make Things Right, Control Your Destiny, and Master your world. Mind Field supplies you with the keys to accomplishment.
Mind Field deals with the "You" that extends beyond "You." If you are looking to master accomplishment, Mind Field is what you need. Learn to Make Thi...
Spirit is a deep dive into religous belief systems. You would think that basic Bible beliefs would propel everyone who has a strong handle on Bible knowledge into massive success. The foundation is now in question. It's time to end the struggle and correct the Biblical notions that leave people perplexed. Now the basis for massive success is clearly laid out in this book as we discover the Spirit and the power of your own Spirit. www.hdlife.org 10 Limiting Beliefs 12 Points of Significance 12 Foundations of Success 10 Levels of Decision Making You must be able to hear what's good and then...
Spirit is a deep dive into religous belief systems. You would think that basic Bible beliefs would propel everyone who has a strong handle on Bible kn...
HD Life is designed to affect the very core of your being, enabling every part of your existence to experience success with scientific precision. It is our desire that the information you find here is simple and usable in all of your endeavors Living your life in High Definition is about being clear about the strategies that lead to extraordinary success and then being able to reflect that same success for others to model. www.hdlife.org The Law of Supply The Emotional Placement Chart Your Personal Pricing System Your Zero Point Field The Art of Living Money These lessons are guaranteed to...
HD Life is designed to affect the very core of your being, enabling every part of your existence to experience success with scientific precision. It i...