Este libro desmitifica las operaciones financieras de su compania: la declaracion neta de ingresos, la declaracion de flujo de efectivo y balances. Explica en lenguaje sencillo como cada medida refleja el estado general de su compania e impacta sus decisiones. Esta guia esencial pondra su negocio en el camino de la rentabilidad de inmediato.
Este libro desmitifica las operaciones financieras de su compania: la declaracion neta de ingresos, la declaracion de flujo de efectivo y balances. Ex...
Why do so many business owners dread looking at the numbers? They make excuses...They don't have time...That's what the accountant is for....But the simple truth is that no one else will ever be as invested in their company as they are--and they need to take control. As a small-business owner, financial statements are your most important tools--and if you don't know how to read them and understand their implications, you cannot possibly steer your business successfully. Accounting for the Numberphobic demystifies your company's financial dashboard: the Net Income Statement,...
Why do so many business owners dread looking at the numbers? They make excuses...They don't have time...That's what the accountant is for....But the s...